During my internship at INSEAD, I had the opportunity to analyze social media trends and conduct a benchmark analysis of INSEAD's communications assets in comparison to competitors. One emerging trend at the time was 360° media, offering an immersive and captivating experience for users. Recognizing the potential of this medium to engage prospective students and employees, I proposed the idea to the director of digital communications, who granted me the green light to pilot the project.
To bring this vision to life, I collaborated with the communications team across all three INSEAD campuses. We ventured to various overseas locations, carefully capturing images that showcased the unique attributes of each campus. With privacy concerns in mind, the photos underwent meticulous editing to ensure the anonymity of individuals.
Once the images were ready, I worked closely with the team to develop guided paths that took users on a virtual journey through the campuses. This immersive experience provided a glimpse into the vibrant learning environment, state-of-the-art facilities, and the rich cultural diversity that INSEAD offers. The aim was to entice prospective students and employees with a compelling visual narrative that would inspire them to join the INSEAD community.
Following the conclusion of my internship, the project continued to evolve. Finally, during INSEAD's 60th Anniversary celebrations, the completed product was unveiled. It showcased the culmination of our efforts in utilizing 360° media to create an interactive and memorable experience for viewers. The success of the project not only highlighted the innovative communication strategies employed but also underscored the long-term impact of my contributions to INSEAD's digital communications initiatives.