Below is an aggregation of all the assessments made for my projects on the current goal, these assessments aim to expose potential positive and negative impacts of the projects on the achievement of this SDG.
This section is an integrations with Serintago, this is an experimental AI tool that I am currently developing that aims to assess the impact of projects and project portfolios (including individual assets and deliverables), organisations as a whole, and funds and fund portfolios. Below is an aggregation of all the assessments made for my projects on the current goal, these assessments aim to expose potential positive and negative impact of the project on the its achievement. Serintago is experimental, data and suggestions may not be accurate. While I will do my best to fine tune the AI models I am working with, and therefore refine the output, the following information should only be taken as suggestions and do not reflect the real world impact of my projects or the clients I have worked with.
Below is a list of targets for this goal, these were obtained directly from the UN Statistics API.
Below is a curated list of my projects where a notable impact has been identified on the current goal.
As I strive to further develop my commitment and contributions across all 17 SDGs the links suggested below may at first seem weak. My aim here is to give both the the positive and negative impact assessments equal and fair treatment. My hope is to provide guidance, both to myself and others, when considering similar projects in the future - providing an opportunity to mitigate potential negative and strengthen potential positive impacts ahead of implementation.
Nonetheless, I am human and my application, Serintago operates using several AI models that introduce their own biases - I hope to reduce this as I begin to build training data for my own purpose built model to support Serintago's expansion. Should you notice anything that doesn't quite seem right, please feel free to use the Get in Touch page to reach out.
If what you see below speaks to you, and you would like to discuss a project, idea, or research related to this SDG or any other, you are also very welcome to get in touch. I will be preparing a through leadership series aimed at promoting education for sustainable development (SD) and global citizenship by promoting case studies exposing challenges and setbacks, opportunities and breakthroughs facing SMEs across Europe.